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Munizioni oltre 20mm
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Messaggi: 16
Iscritto il: 25/03/2021, 1:10

Re: Artillery

Messaggio da Harnas »

8cm M.14 Granat-Schrapnell (corrected)
8cm M.14 Granat-Schrapnell (corrected)
8cm M.5 Schrapnell
8cm M.5 Schrapnell
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Iscritto il: 26/12/2015, 14:26

Re: Artillery

Messaggio da usti »

the last is it very good!
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Iscritto il: 21/10/2014, 14:11

Re: Artillery

Messaggio da baronerosso »

foto 15 cm con m 15 b
M15 b
M15 b
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Iscritto il: 25/03/2021, 1:10

Re: Artillery

Messaggio da Harnas »

usti ha scritto: 25/09/2021, 22:24 The original granate and shr for M5 gun have got a cast iron monoblock granate and a specifical shr made very similar to the 7 cm M99 shr model.

In the photo an early m5 cast iron monoblock granate (no screw cork in the down) in a transitional conformation because was equiped with a M15a fuze, probably the old M5 brass fuze was rarest on the front and was more common to find on easter front (because the old remances on the depots was transfered on easter front in the 1914).
From the 1915 in effect the new granate had a better performances with the pre-fragmented rings.

The explosive was into the canvass sack.
The problem is that the fighting in my area lasted from November 1914 to May 1915. A frequent find are 8cm monoblock grenades with an M.15a fuse and 8cm grenades with a fragmentation insert and an M.5 fuse. On the other hand, no one has seen an 8cm monoblock with an M.5 fuse. Do you have any supporting photos or sketches?
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Iscritto il: 25/03/2021, 1:10

Re: Artillery

Messaggio da Harnas »

9cm M.75/96a Schrapnell
9cm M.96 Schrapnell
9cm M.75 Granate
9cm M.75 Kartatsche
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Iscritto il: 25/03/2021, 1:10

Re: Artillery

Messaggio da Harnas »

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Iscritto il: 26/12/2015, 14:26

Re: Artillery

Messaggio da usti »

Harnas ha scritto: 15/08/2022, 17:37
The problem is that the fighting in my area lasted from November 1914 to May 1915. A frequent find are 8cm monoblock grenades with an M.15a fuse and 8cm grenades with a fragmentation insert and an M.5 fuse. On the other hand, no one has seen an 8cm monoblock with an M.5 fuse. Do you have any supporting photos or sketches?
This is strange, then the new feld gun was introduced was armed with 1st type shr and monoblock granades, shr have M5 fuze with special brass connection ring, but monoblocks? IMO that was equiped with M5 fuze without connection ring because the screw is it the same of M15a. Of course the M15a was introduced in 1915 before not exist, of better exist a similar fuze but with round top see on 12 an 15 cm datet 1914.
Probably the transizionals monoblocks with was considere not very efficent and equiped with an erzast fuze (M 15a fuze is the copy of M5 fuze without time regulation). The M5 granate with fragmentation rings probably was considered more efficient and used with expensive M5 brass fuze like a Tempir granade (time granate), in that case was very important to detect the date of fabbrication on M8 granates (ie: on our front is quite difficolt to find piece oldest the 1914).

One on the my last finds i have a M5 granate work for the fragmentazion ring but without, in the body of granate stiill exist the paper for explosive and a disck (not a ring) on the down where the lower cork was screwed on the body-

Unlucky at the moment i havent any good photo of the start of 1900 where was the M5 field gun with his munition-
So already i must put my hands on a 1st type 8cm shr with M5 fuze.

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Messaggi: 11
Iscritto il: 23/07/2023, 11:48

Re: Artillery

Messaggio da Edvinn »

Ciao! Che tipo di proiettile shrapnell 76,... mm sarebbe questo, con una cintura di guida? Grazie
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Messaggi: 86
Iscritto il: 26/12/2015, 14:26

Re: Artillery

Messaggio da usti »

Edvinn ha scritto: 27/07/2023, 10:04 Ciao! Che tipo di proiettile shrapnell 76,... mm sarebbe questo, con una cintura di guida? Grazie
Looks like an austrian 10 cm M14 GS.-
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Messaggi: 16
Iscritto il: 25/03/2021, 1:10

Re: Artillery

Messaggio da Harnas »

IMG_FULL (26).jpg
What is the difference between M.13/15a and M.15/15a?

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