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Unknown italian grenades

Inviato: 24/03/2016, 22:15
da sgdbdr
Good evening,

This is my first post on this forum. I'm french and I only know english as a foreign language. I hope you don't mind.

I found this website ... bronne.htm

Maybe some of you already know it. On the page I linked, there are several grenades I've never heard about (MEZZO, BRANDI, STRAZZA SPERONI, VILLA, H, GARGANO)

Does someone know those grenades and maybe has pictures or drawings ?



Re: Unknown italian grenades

Inviato: 25/03/2016, 5:04
da Andrea58
The majority of grenades you report are rare. Are bombs that were produced at an experimental level or in small numbers. We were at war and all invented new weapons. Of course then the majority were revealed unnecessary or inefficient

Re: Unknown italian grenades

Inviato: 25/03/2016, 8:38
da stecol
Je recommande ce livre (en italien et en français) écrit par Maurice Frei:

"Bombe a mano e da fucile italiane: 1914-1918 - Grenades a main et a fusil italiennes : 1914-1918"

Éditeur: Albertelli
ISBN-10: 8885909949
ISBN-13: 978-8885909946


Re: Unknown italian grenades

Inviato: 25/03/2016, 19:25
da sgdbdr
Good evening,

Thanks for your answers. I know the book, and accessed to a part of it via SCRIBD. It seems to be out of print and unavailable, or if available pretty much expensive.
It's difficult to find digitized italian military manuals. I have found some mostly about grenades, I also bought some about mines on TALPO.IT
The documents section on this forum is very small unlike some other forums.
Is there an equivalent to the french national library (GALLICA.BNF.FR) in Italy ?



Re: Unknown italian grenades

Inviato: 26/03/2016, 1:06
da sofocle62
Hello S.,
unfortunately we haven't such a library here, and in any case as Andrea58 told you, quite all the grenades you're talking about were prototypes, never used in action and hence no manuals were printed... anyway I got that book and I'll try asap (next week I guess) to send you some pics.

B.r. Alberto

Re: Unknown italian grenades

Inviato: 01/04/2016, 10:57
da sofocle62
si l'argument est de ton interet ...

Re: Unknown italian grenades

Inviato: 04/04/2016, 17:07
da sgdbdr

Thanks for your proposal. Of course I'm interested, but only by photos or schematics, not drawings like those found on the website I mentioned when I started the thread.
But I am reluctant to ask for copies of pages from a book you paid for.

And I ask the members again : Is there an equivalent to the french national library (GALLICA.BNF.FR) in Italy ?



Re: Unknown italian grenades

Inviato: 04/04/2016, 19:35
da Andrea58
sgdbdr ha scritto:sofocle62

Thanks for your proposal. Of course I'm interested, but only by photos or schematics, not drawings like those found on the website I mentioned when I started the thread.
But I am reluctant to ask for copies of pages from a book you paid for.

And I ask the members again : Is there an equivalent to the french national library (GALLICA.BNF.FR) in Italy ?

