I don't known the firma Carcano. Did they buy only fuzes ?
Is the marking on the box corrct (authentic) ?
I had this idea of a sight box only with the general shape and apparently dimensions. I suppose italian infantery had a similar box for her own mortar sights.
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Scatola " spola carcano"
- Andrea58
- Amministratore
- Messaggi: 7556
- Iscritto il: 02/03/2008, 14:36
- Località: Cuggiono-Lombardia
Re: Scatola " spola carcano"
He was an Italian designerDanielVB ha scritto: 21/03/2017, 11:29 I don't known the firma Carcano. Did they buy only fuzes ?
Is the marking on the box corrct (authentic) ?
I had this idea of a sight box only with the general shape and apparently dimensions. I suppose italian infantery had a similar box for her own mortar sights.
The Carcano name is linked to the development of the rifle 91 whose definition is Mannlicher / Carcano. He also designed other weapons including a grenade launcher for the trenches.
It was not used much and you know little. The box could be for fuses.
The inscriptions were made with the mask, but unfortunately we have no other pictures besides this. Maybe it is genuine or perhaps a fake
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